很多人在使用feedkeys函数的时候会得取不预期的输出,怎么折腾也搞不明白为什么会得到 这样的结果。这篇文章来给大家解疑一下。


feedkeys({string} [, {mode}])				*feedkeys()*
		Characters in {string} are queued for processing as if they
		come from a mapping or were typed by the user.
		By default the string is added to the end of the typeahead
		buffer, thus if a mapping is still being executed the
		characters come after them.  Use the 'i' flag to insert before
		other characters, they will be executed next, before any
		characters from a mapping.
		The function does not wait for processing of keys contained in
		To include special keys into {string}, use double-quotes
		and "\..." notation |expr-quote|. For example,
		feedkeys("\<CR>") simulates pressing of the <Enter> key. But
		feedkeys('\<CR>') pushes 5 characters.
		If {mode} is absent, keys are remapped.
		{mode} is a String, which can contain these character flags:
		'm'	Remap keys. This is default.
		'n'	Do not remap keys.
		't'	Handle keys as if typed; otherwise they are handled as
			if coming from a mapping.  This matters for undo,
			opening folds, etc.
		'i'	Insert the string instead of appending (see above).
		'x'	Execute commands until typeahead is empty.  This is
			similar to using ":normal!".  You can call feedkeys()
			several times without 'x' and then one time with 'x'
			(possibly with an empty {string}) to execute all the
			typeahead.  Note that when Vim ends in Insert mode it
			will behave as if <Esc> is typed, to avoid getting
			stuck, waiting for a character to be typed before the
			script continues.
		'!'	When used with 'x' will not end Insert mode. Can be
			used in a test when a timer is set to exit Insert mode
			a little later.  Useful for testing CursorHoldI.

		Return value is always 0.

说明文档说了这个函数的使用方式,但是对于大部分人,只理解了一部分,帮而会产生很多 不解的行为。这个函数会把参数中的{string}当前是用户输入的。默认的,它会把string 的内容放到预输入的buffer(下面直接引用说明文档中的typeahead buffer)中。
对于不解行为,主要都是由这个typeahead buffer产生了。这个typeahead buffer并不是我 们所熟悉的vim与文档内容关联的buffer,下面会对它进行详细的说明。很多人认为,只要 一调用feedkeys,它就立刻产生作用。例如下面这个例子:

function! Test1() 
    call feedkeys("a123\<ESC>", "n")
    call feedkeys("a456\<ESC>", "n")

这个例子很明显,调用Test1后,会在当前的buffer(这个是大家所熟悉的与文档内容相关 的buffer,下面对于只出现buffer的都说的是这个buffer,而对于预输入buffer会使用 typeahead buffer)。


function! Test2()
    normal! a123
    call feedkeys("a456\<ESC>", "n")
    normal! a789

大家先猜想一下这个例子的输出。很多人理所当然地以为这个会输出123456789。然而, 它输出的却是123789456456被移到后面去了。为什么会这样?下面来说一下typeahead buffer。

typeahead buffer

vim维护了一个typeahead buffer来用存放用户预输入的内容。然后vim从typeahead buffer 中取数据当成是用户输入数据进行处理。在用户没有输入,也没有函数执行的时候,这个时 候就会执行typeahead buffer里面的内容了。
那么这个typeahead buffer的内容是怎么插进去的呢?

  • normal命令
  • @r寄存器
  • abbreviate的内容
  • feedkeys()函数

所有插入到typeahead buffer的内容都调用了这个函数来进行插入(neovim源码)

   * insert a string in position 'offset' in the typeahead buffer (for "@r"
   * and ":normal" command, vgetorpeek() and check_termcode())
   * If noremap is REMAP_YES, new string can be mapped again.
   * If noremap is REMAP_NONE, new string cannot be mapped again.
   * If noremap is REMAP_SKIP, fist char of new string cannot be mapped again,
   * but abbreviations are allowed.
   * If noremap is REMAP_SCRIPT, new string cannot be mapped again, except for
   *          script-local mappings.
   * If noremap is > 0, that many characters of the new string cannot be mapped.
   * If nottyped is TRUE, the string does not return KeyTyped (don't use when
   * offset is non-zero!).
   * If silent is true, cmd_silent is set when the characters are obtained.
   * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
int ins_typebuf(char_u *str, int noremap, int offset, int nottyped, bool silent)

将str插入到typeahead buffer中,插入的位置是offset。noremap由feedkeys中的n选项 控制。nottyped由feedkeys中的t选项控制。

normal的方式说明typeahead buffer插入内容


* Execute normal mode command "cmd".
* "remap" can be REMAP_NONE or REMAP_YES.
void exec_normal_cmd(char_u *cmd, int remap, bool silent)
  // Stuff the argument into the typeahead buffer.
  ins_typebuf(cmd, remap, 0, true, silent);

/// Execute normal_cmd() until there is no typeahead left.
/// @param was_typed whether or not something was typed
void exec_normal(bool was_typed)
  oparg_T oa;

  finish_op = false;
  while ((!stuff_empty()
          || ((was_typed || !typebuf_typed())
              && typebuf.tb_len > 0))
         && !got_int) {
    normal_cmd(&oa, true);      // execute a Normal mode cmd

对于normal插入的内容,会插入到typeahead buffer的开头,并会立马就执行,一直到非 normal或者mapping。
所以对于Test2的例子,它遇到normal会插入到typeahead buffer的开头,然后执行。 然后feedkeys插入新的内容到typeahead buffer,这时typebuf_typed是TRUE的。 然后又插入normal的789,当9插入完后,typebuf_typed又变成TRUE了。所以feedkeys 的内容会一直等到函数执行完等待用户输入内容的时候,才会进行执行。所以最后就出现了 123789456的结果了。


默认情况下,feedkeys所内容加到typeahead buffer的后面。当加上i这个选项的时候, 它会传0给ins_typebufoffset字段。这时候就插在了开头。来个例子看一下效果。

function! Test3()
    call feedkeys("a123\<ESC>", "n")
    call feedkeys("a456\<ESC>", "n")
    normal a789


function! Test4()
    call feedkeys("a123\<ESC>", "n")
    call feedkeys("a456\<ESC>", "in")
    normal a789
